
Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans Day!

Veterans Day.

As I sit here thinking about what Veterans Day means to me, I start to get goose bumps.  I have served, and I don’t think I did anything special, some people may think differently, and many have sacrificed a lot more than me. But it allows me to have a perspective that some of the best folks in our country and in our world are, or have been members of the US military.
Veterans Day is not a hollow day, made for the greeting card industry. It is not a holiday that was designed to help boost retail sales, and make kids and folks want items that they really don’t need. It is a day that was set aside to honor Veterans, and “show pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service”, President Woodrow Wilson.
So to me it means that we live in the greatest country in the world, and as a family or community we may not all agree all the time with the actions of our politicians. But as a family and a community, we can overcome all obstacles, and the military and our veterans are just the best example of our citizenry who are willing to sacrifice everything they have for the betterment of the world we live in.
So Thank You Veterans! I will in my own private way celebrate and honor your love of country, your patriotism, and your willingness to sacrifice for your belief in God and Country.
God Bless You, and thanks for keeping me and mine safe!