
Thursday, September 28, 2017

My view of protesting during the National Anthem!

Veterans Affair - New Orleans

Please realize this is my opinion and my opinion alone.

As a veteran I distinctly understand what has been given by those currently serving and those who came before, back as far as the Washington's men during the Revolutionary War, in order for all Americans to have the rights that are provided all of us by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The blood, sweat, and tears that flowed so that we could all continue to have protected freedom of speech, and peacefully say whatever your heart desires.

This idea started to coalesce for me on Tuesday, as I went to the VA to have blood drawn for my yearly physical next week. The new building in New Orleans is magnificent, and I snapped the pictures that appear in this post. The flag is such an integral part of all veterans DNA that they have carved one into the limestone that lines the atrium.

Flag - New Orleans VA

I previously stated I understand all of our rights. It is certainly the right of the NFL players to protest in any way they chose. It is simply in poor taste how they have chosen to do this protest. They all represent what is good about America. They were able to rise up and play a sport on the highest stage. They all have what 99% of all American's would like. They have FAME and FORTUNE.

With that platform provided to them could they not find a better platform or method to protest? I think they could have. I do not think that they expected the response they have gotten. I read an article today that stated in a poll, 55% of the folks asked said that the players who kneel should be punished. I disagree with punishment. They are exercising a right that they have, however I think it is a poor decision on their part.

So I was setting there waiting for my turn, and I was listening to the older Vietnam Veterans, and the younger guys missing limbs and they all were discussing this issue. They weren't discussing the message that the players were trying to send, that group of young and old veterans were discussing the disrespect that was showed to our country that allowed them the rights. The message that the players are trying to get across is not the message being received by the average guy. The veterans  were saying how the rich, whiny athlete's didn't appreciate the opportunities this country has provided them. That they did not understand what has gone into protecting their rights.

Formal Remembrance Table - New Orleans VA

As I left, I saw the table set for the POW/MIA's. These veteran's died fighting in the belief that we have the greatest country in the world. That these folks would use the flag to protest is not not right at a very basic level.

So I will be standing with my brothers whenever I hear the national anthem, and hope these young men decide to honor the flag, and find a more productive method of protesting. Until that time, I don't think we will be watching the NFL in our house.

If you would like more information regarding the table setting, in my final picture follow this link  .


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